Shaun’s Story: The Unseen Struggles of Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS)
In this compelling video, Shaun from the UK bravely discusses his battle with Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) following brief use of Finasteride. He opens up about the lasting, often devastating side effects that have impacted his physical, neurological, and emotional well-being even after discontinuing the drug. Shaun’s story provides a glimpse into the harsh realities of PFS—a condition affecting young men worldwide and leading to severe consequences for patients, families, and friends. His journey underscores the need for awareness and informed choices in healthcare.
What is Post-Finasteride Syndrome?
PFS (Post-Finasteride Syndrome) is a complex and life-altering condition caused by the drug Finasteride (also marketed as Propecia) and other 5ar inhibitors. It affects physical, mental, and sexual health, leaving patients to suffer without adequate support, recognition or treatment.
What is Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction?
PSSD (Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction) is a serious and debilitating condition associated with the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and similar drugs. It affects mental, physical, and sexual well-being, leaving many patients to suffer without sufficient support, recognition, or effective treatment.