Le Parisien: A Mother’s Fight After Her Son’s Tragic Suicide After Taking Propecia
This article from Le Parisien highlights the heartbreaking story of Sylviane Mathieu, who believes her son’s suicide was caused by Propecia, a hair loss treatment.
In 2016, Romain took his own life after years of using Propecia. His mother, Sylviane Mathieu, is convinced that the drug is responsible for his death. She has since founded an association for Propecia victims and is dedicated to raising awareness about the severe side effects that some patients experience, including depression and sexual dysfunction.
Sylviane’s journey began when Romain, at the age of 19, started taking Propecia after consulting with a dermatologist about his hair loss. Initially reassured by the doctor that the medication had no significant side effects, Romain soon began to experience a range of troubling symptoms. Despite discontinuing the drug, his condition worsened, leading to a severe depression that ultimately resulted in his suicide at the age of 25.
Sylviane now fights tirelessly to have the dangers of Propecia recognized and to seek justice for her son and others who have suffered. She shares her emotional story and the legal battles she faces, aiming to bring about greater awareness and accountability.
Read the full story on Le Parisien (written in French): Propecia: A Mother’s Fight
Learn more about PFS & PSSD
What is Post-Finasteride Syndrome?
PFS (Post-Finasteride Syndrome) is a complex and life-altering condition caused by the drug Finasteride (also marketed as Propecia) and other 5ar inhibitors. It affects physical, mental, and sexual health, leaving patients to suffer without adequate support, recognition or treatment.
What is Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction?
PSSD (Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction) is a serious and debilitating condition associated with the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and similar drugs. It affects mental, physical, and sexual well-being, leaving many patients to suffer without sufficient support, recognition, or effective treatment.